Linear Regression: Assumptions and Inference
Linear regression model, using vector notations to write is
Assumption 1: Linearity
This means that the interaction between the parameter $\boldsymbol\beta$ and the variable $\mathbf x_i$ is just in linear way:
(Assuming there’re total p variable) Variables cannot interact with each other such as $x_{i1}*x_{i2}$ .This assumptions is somewhat but not entirely relaxed in generalized linear model. In GLM, the linearity is allowed to happened in the exponents of $e$. For instance, logistic regression and poisson.
Assumption 2: Exogeneity
In mathematical notations:
This is saying that the error term does not correlate with the variables. Setting the above $E[\cdot]$ to zero is just for convenience, as long as the right-hand does not contain any $x$ terms it’s fine. Because any constants can be moved to the right of the constant parameter. To test for exogeneity/endogeneity, we can just do a regression of $\boldsymbol\epsilon$ on the data we collected $\mathbf X$, and see if it gives all $\mathbf x_i$ relatively 0 coefficients. Or more efficiently we can just look at the Residuals vs Fitted plot and check if the expected value of $\epsilon$ is centered at 0.
By law of total expectation, we can have
Strict exogeneity involves with data, asides from requiring the error $\epsilon_i$ independent of its own data subject’s predictor $\mathbf x^{(i)}$, the error also needs to be independent of other predictor $\mathbf x^{(k)}$. Rewrite the original exogeneity a bit:
The strict exogeneity is:
Exogeneity implies a lot of useful stuffs.
If exogeneity is violated, the estimated $\beta_k,k\in{1,..,p}$ will be biased.
Assumption 3: Full Rank
This means the “design” matrix $\mathbf X$ is full column rank, otherwise $\mathbf X^\top\mathbf X$ is not invertible. In high-dimension setting, $\mathbf X$ is doomed to not have full column rank because $\mathbf X:n\times p$ has $n< p$. (Like I have one data $n=1$, and two variable equal 1 and 2, it’s not full rank)
Note, a nearly not full column rank $\mathbf X$ is not a violation of this assumption. It’s more of violating the homoskedacity assumption
Assumption 4: Homoskedacity
There could be other names but, generally this assumption involves:
Assumption 5: Normal distributed
What happened if we copy the whole dataset $\mathbf X$ and $\mathbf y$ exactly once?
Let’s state the answer first. The estimated coefficients won’t change, but the standard error will go down and it’s more prone to a type I error.
First off, It probably makes more intuitive sense than just look at the equation. As we’re copying the original information, there’s no new information added, there’s no need to change $\hat \beta$ to adjust for any things. But the standard error of $\hat\beta$ will change. Refer to interview prep, the t statistic for $\hat\beta$ is The bottom is the standard error. If we use an OLS estimate to population variance, then $\displaystyle s^2=\frac{(\mathbf y-\hat{\mathbf y})^\top(\mathbf y-\hat{\mathbf y})}{n-p}$. If we double the size, clearly $n$ will become $2n$ and $s^2$ goes down. Also, let’s say Then $X^\top X=30$, if we double the size, $X^\top X$ becomes 60 (it has $[1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]^\top$). Thus $X^\top X$ increases and its inverse $(X^\top X)^{-1}$ decreases. Thus the absolute value of t statistic will go up.